Action Sharp

What is action sharp? Action sharp is when you want the subject to be in focus with clear lines, crisp details, and no blurring. When trying to capture a perfect action shot you have to first get your settings right. Then you need to freeze the action. To do this you’ll need to choose a fast shutter speed. After that you need to do add motion. You will want to use a wide aperture, such as f/3.5 or lower.

It will create a narrow depth-of-field, and it helps the person or thing stand out, as the background distractions will be blurred. Picking your spot is very important when doing action sharp because when capturing an action sharp photo it all has to depend on whether you have a short or a long zoom lens. If it is possible, it’s a good idea to put yourself in a position where the person or object will be coming towards you. So basically it is just a good idea to get in the middle of the action. Hitting focus and getting the time right is really important too.


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